VEGA Conflict Wiki
Enguard Overdrive Generator   Shirk Overdrive Generator

The Shirk Overdrive Generator boosts defenses for the carrier, and lends defensive and offensive strength for its fleet to rally to its protection.
  — In-Game Description 

Stats[ | ]

Shirk Overdrive Generator I
Ship Mass 5%
Overdrive Enguard Overdrive
Hull XP 6,569 XP
Restricted to Carriers
Restricted to Marauders
Tech Lab Required XII
CRAFT Crafting
Fragments Fragment 150
EQUIP ModuleRefit
Time Time 1d 4h 48m
Helium-3 Helium3 52,758,800
Antimatter Antimatter 24,726,000

General[ | ]

The Shirk Overdrive Generator is an overdrive generator for Marauder carriers such as the Usurper Carrier, based on the Enguard Overdrive Generator.

Strategy and Setup[ | ]

Advantages[ | ]

The Shirk Overdrive Generator, much like the Enguard, grants an overdrive to the carrier, boosting its defensive capability and buffing the capabilities of ships within its support field generated.

See Enguard Overdrive for more details.

Disadvantages[ | ]

Like the Enguard, the Shirk Overdrive Generator does not generate a support field by default unlike other carriers, only doing so during its overdrive. Clever pilots can exploit this maneuver to snipe the carrier without triggering its overdrive, as it is much weaker compared to other carriers, especially when its overdrive is inactive.

Gallery[ | ]
