VEGA Conflict Wiki

Phasing is an ability granted by Screens, which enable the Pharmakon faction and its variants to enter and exit Phase State together according to a timed cycle. Many Pharmakon Overdrives are triggered whenever this happens.

Phasing is not to be confused with Phased Projectiles and its variants, which provide shield bypass, a different mechanic altogether.

Explanation[ | ]

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For simplicity, ships and modules are termed as "individuals" while fleets and bases are termed as "collections".

At the start of battle, each collection starts with zero Phase Energy, and gains Phase Energy equivalent to the Phase Screen Charge stat per second. Once Phase Energy reaches the current Phase Screen Energy, Phase State is entered. Then, Phase Energy is lost equivalent to the Phase Screen Drain stat per second until it once again reaches zero, at which point Phase State is exited.

Whenever an individual is hit, the Phase Energy of its parent collection is reduced according to the amount of damage taken by the individual's screens. If incoming damage causes Phase Energy to be fully depleted, the excess damage is then dealt directly to health. If an individual with Screen Energy is destroyed, the parent collection's Screen Energy is reduced by the same amount; Phase Energy is subsequently reduced proportionally, while Phase Screen Charge and Phase Screen Drain are also adjusted to use the new Screen Energy value.

Notwithstanding damage taken, the duration which a collection remains out of Phase State is equal to the Screen Energy divided by the numerical value of Phase Screen Charge, while the duration which it remains in Phase State is equal to Screen Energy divided by the numerical value of Phase Screen Drain.

Comparison between Phasing V1 and V2[ | ]

Phasing has undergone a major revamp in the early November 2019 update, which is summarized by the below table.

Note: Some NPC Targets have not been fully migrated to Phasing V2 (the situation is known as Phasing V2 without shared Phase Pool). As a result, the aspects marked with an asterisk (*) do not apply to them.

Aspect / Version Phasing V1 Phasing V2
Stat Functionality*
  • Screen Energy, Phase Screen Charge and Phase Screen Drain are individual attributes.
  • Modifiers of Screen Energy, Phase Screen Charge and Phase Screen Drain only apply to that same individual and are independent: increasing Screen Energy does not automatically increase Phase Screen Charge/Drain.
  • Phasing does not function if Screen Energy is less than Phase Threshold.
  • Screen Energy is a collection-wide attribute, calculated as the sum of each individual's Screen Energy. Phase Screen Charge and Phase Screen Drain are equal to 17% and 10% of the collection's modified Screen Energy respectively.
  • Modifiers of Phase Screen Charge and Phase Screen Drain apply to the whole fleet and stack additively to the base value.
  • Phasing functions regardless of Screen Energy. Phase Threshold has been effectively set to zero.
  • Each ship enters and exits Phase State independently except when in range of the Phase Field, using its own Phase Energy value.
  • Phase Charge Hacking only affects the ship that is hit.
  • All ships in the same fleet enter and exit Phase State together, sharing the same Phase Energy value.
  • Phase Charge Hacking affects the entire fleet. In addition, if multiple ships are under Phase Charge Hacking, the effect for the whole fleet is stacked multiplicatively.
Phase State
  • Upon entering Phase State, any currently-applied debuffs continue to be applied to the ship.
  • Ships in Phase State are all but completely disengaged from the battle:
    • Ships in Phase State are invisible, cannot be targeted/hit and do not count towards Overdrives that rely on their presence to activate.
    • Weapon projectiles pass through ships in Phase State. However, they still collide with any other ship and cannot pass through barriers generated by Altairian Pylon Emitters.
    • Ships in Phase State cannot open fire, though squadrons that have been launched continue to function.
  • Upon entering Phase State, any currently-applied debuffs that do not originate from Support Fields are removed.
  • Ships in Phase State are partially disengaged from the battle:
    • Ships in Phase State remain visible, can be targeted/hit and count towards Overdrives that rely on their presence to activate.
    • Weapon projectiles can directly hit ships in Phase State.
    • Ships in Phase State can open fire at enemies in range, but at a reduced rate: +50% to charge time and cooldown time.
  • Ships in Phase State are immune to debuffs that do not originate from Support Fields.
  • Ships in Phase State have their defence set to 100%.
Phase Field*
  • The Phase Energy of each affected ship is frozen.
  • The cooldown timer begins from the moment the duration ends.
  • When activated, sets the fleet's Phase Energy to full.
  • Friendly ships not in range remain out of Phase State but Phase Energy remains synced.
  • The fleet's Phase Energy is allowed to drain, which eventually pulls ships out of Phase State.
  • Even if the duration ends before the above happens, ships already in Phase State continue to be in Phase State.
  • The cooldown timer begins from the moment the duration begins.

Read here for more details.

Notes[ | ]

  • Phasing does not consume Screen Energy.
  • Ships in Phase State continue to enjoy the effects of their Exiting Phase State overdrive if not yet elapsed.
  • Ships in Phase State continue to affect, and be affected by, Support Fields.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Phasing has undergone a major revamp in the early November 2019 update. After the downtime, all Pharmakon ships have been granted one free refit until an upgrade credit is applied to the ship.

Gallery[ | ]
