VEGA Conflict Wiki

Nebula Fields are a feature that was introduced with the NPC targets of the Umbra Faction in August 2018.

General[ | ]

Nebula Fields act as a form of damage zone within the NPC targets themselves, similar to the function of a Terminus Mine. If any ship flies into them (indicated by flashes of lightning), it will suffer damage over time depending on the type of damage the Nebula is doing, according to color. For example, Blight Nebula Fields, which appear grey, deal Blight Damage. Squadrons are unaffected by Nebula Fields.

The amount of damage that is taken from Nebula Fields can be reduced if the ship passing through has resistances against it. Otherwise, it is recommended not to pass through them as it will result in unnecessary damage. Note that it is still possible for a ship's defenses to take damage from a Nebula Field that the ship itself is immune to, as the two resistances are separate in the case of shields and screens.

Trivia[ | ]

  • The Nebula Fields were inspired from the Radiation Zones that appeared in many NPC Event Targets in Battle Pirates.
  • The Blight Nebula Fields were first introduced with the Umbra in August 2018.
  • This was followed by Plasma Nebula Fields with the Pharmakon in January 2019.

Gallery[ | ]
