VEGA Conflict Wiki
Heavy Talonite Armor   Heavy Talonite Plates

Talonite Armor   Heavy Talonite Armor

The heaviest Xeno Division armor, built by compressing and folding medium weight armors together to offer the best protection.
  — In-Game Description 

Stats[ | ]

Heavy Talonite Armor I
Mass 1,201 t 1,468 t
Health 3,514 4,295
Hull XP 2,626 XP 2,815 XP
Restricted to Xeno DivisionA.X.I.S.AltairiansUmbraPharmakonSpectre
Ship Lab Required VII VIII
EQUIP ModuleRefit
Time Time 1h 40m 2h 00m
Helium-3 Helium3 1,751,166 3,021,225
Antimatter Antimatter 194,574 1,007,075

General[ | ]

The Heavy Talonite Armor is an enhanced Talonite Armor with even more protection.

Strategy and Setup[ | ]

Advantages[ | ]

Heavy Talonite Armor provides massive health, making your ships extremely tanky.

It is even more XP-efficient than regular Talonite Armor, further optimizing your fleet.

Disadvantages[ | ]

Heavy Talonite Armor takes up significantly more mass than Talonite Armor but only has a relatively small increase in health. Using this armor can waste precious mass which could otherwise be used for weapons and specials.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Along with other T6 equipment, this item's build time was significantly reduced during the late April 2019 update as summarized here.
  • Its repair time was nullified as a result of the early February 2021 update, which updated the repair time of all Tier 6 ships to be invariant to equipment.
